Discord Bot Maker For Mac

Discord bot maker for mac download

  1. Discord Bot Maker For Mac Pc
Discord bot maker for macbook
  1. .voice game -This command is used to change the channel name to the current game being played by the owner of the channel.
  2. .voice invite @user - Using this command invites the said user to your channel with a direct link to the channel.
  3. .voice permit/reject @role - You can now permit/reject a certain role from accessing your channel
  4. .voice ghost/unghost - Make your channel invisible allowing you to hide from others so you can speak in private.
  5. Automatic bitrate - The channels are automatically created with the best bitrate possible.
  6. Better uptime - We will be monitoring the bot all the time and it is running on a better server.
  7. Premium support - VM+ gets higher priority with any issues caused with the bots(if any).

Discord Bot Maker For Mac Pc

Oct 09, 2019 In this Discord bot tutorial, we will start by discussing the Discord user interface and step by step tutorial on how to make a Discord bot. Discord is a real-time messaging platform that bills itself as the “universal voice and text chat for gamers” because of its treatment interface, ease of use, and wide range of features, Discord has grown rapidly and is increasingly popular even. 'The best software available to make a discord bot with. Intuitive, easy to use, and very useful. With a very active developer, and a super helpful community if your ever stuck. It's definitely a must have if your interested in making a bot for discord.' Join our discord server. Join Discord Server; Join our mailing list. Discord Bot Maker is a program that allows users to create bots without needing to use a large amount of code. This bot building software is tailored for newbies who wish to add bots to their server. Many of the things that Discord Bot Maker can do is pretty simple.